TERESIA BJÖRK – Swedish dancer, actress and choreographer

PHOTO: Håkan Larsson

Premiar May 16, 2025 !


Teresia is coming back to Gothenburg to DCV and HSM to give daily training and workshops in January 2025.
In February she is also revisiting Kävesta Danceeducation in Örebro.
Teresia is offered a residency at Skånes Dansteater in Malmö 4- 14th of May.
Premiar of the solo ”u&me” at Kilen/ Stadsteatern in Stockholm in May 2025. Music by Stefan Johansson.
In September Teresia is offered a residency at MDT in Stockholm which will be followed by sharings workshops and talks.

Photo ( solo) Öyvind Vågen
Photo ( DCV) Anna Ericsson


Skapa Dans/ jurymember 2024

Teresia is creating the new piece F U T U R E for two female dancers and ongoing process with JagDu DuJag DuJag in collaboration with choreographer Susanne Svantesson

Stockholm !
Möte med koreograf hos Dansalliansen
Sandviken ! DansDialog Teresia is guesting with Finding Tools and the solo ” u&me” at Kulturcentrum

Dansmuseet ResidensTeresia Björk

Foto: T Björk / from audition

Teresia is preparing two new choreograpic pieces.
During February the piece AMORF was selected to be shown within Dansfilmfestivalen at Folk och Kultur in Eskilstuna.
Teresia is giving her method Finding Tools at daily training at Danscentrum Stockholm 18th to 21th of March.
During April and May Teresia is guesting Region Gotland, Lisbon and Praque with her work in different constallations

Teresia is also guesting Gothenburg and Atalante 28/5-24 within Destination Atalante.
More info here

FALL 2023

Exhibition about the work of Teresia open up the 14th of September and two premiars will happen at Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm. 14th of September ”unknown ” and the 21th of September ”AMORF” !

More info about the residency and the performances at Scenkonstmuseet here

Read more on svd.se


Photo Magnus Skoglöf


Trailer by Magnus Skoglöf for the new work ” unknown” Premiar during 2023.


Rehearsals going on with the pieces ” AMORF” and ” unknown ” Workinprogress will be shown in Stockholm week 18.

” Finding Tools” the workshop/method February/March:
Guesting Kävesta Danslije, Kulturutvecklingen i Jönköpings län, Visby Daglig Träning Holstebro Dancecompany in Denmark and Daglig Träning Stockholm


In June Teresia is going to Paris because of a grant at Swedish Institute in Paris from the Arts Grants Committee.


The exhibition ” att släppa ytan och våga hitta nakenheten ” is opening at Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm the 14th of September. Within this exhibiton Teresia is a having an artist in residency and showing performances having talks and giving workshops. Opening 14th of September ongoing until 8th of October.
More info soon!

FALL 2022

Photo Anna Ericsson

During October Teresia is heading for Visby in Gotland to give workshops for proffessionals and students. Teresia is guesting Skånes Dansteater Dancecompany with her method ” Finding Tools” in November 2022.
3/12 Teresia is having a workshop combined audition for dancers in Stockholm for upcoming productions.



Photo Anna Ericsson

Teresia is invited for a new collaboration with Sebastian Garçia choreographer and artistic Director for BIDE in Barcelona. It will take place 21/8-30/8 at the theater La Caldera which Teresia guested earlier in her dancecareer. Teresia will participate in this years edition of BIDE as well.

In September Teresia will return to Visby, Gotland for another collaboration with Domkyrkan within a project for sustainability for life and the world.

Teresia continue to teach at Balettakademien , Stockholm in choreograpic supervision and dance analysis for the 3year dancers education.


Residency summer 2022

Region Gotland and County Theatre Gotland have offered Teresia a dance residency during the summer of 2022. During the residency, which will take place in the town of Visby, Teresia will concentrate on choreographic and artistic processes, inviting others to experience some of the work, during her collaboration with the theatre and the region.

Winner of the monthly selection of
The Auber International Film Festival

The Rising Woman is the winner of the monthly selection of The Auber International Film Festival. Prize in the category of best short movie filmed with a mobile phone.

This means that the movie qualifies for the final competition which will be on April 22nd.

RELEASE 2022 : ”The Rising Woman ”

(04:30 min)
This short film is a collaboration between Eytan Sivak and the artist Teresia Björk who inspired the idea and the realisation of the movie.
It was filmed with a mobile phone (Iphone 12) mainly during the peak of the covid
pandemic when society and the arts were closed down and a feeling of distance,
estrangement and suspicion shadowed our human contacts.
The story is of a woman seeking change, finding herself trapped in an Escherian world,
where endless staircases meet constantly shifting landscapes.
Materials change their texture and stagnant objects re-define themselves as mobile.
A peculiar sense of time wraps her with a feeling of a fleeting existence.
Running from or to? Where is the beginning and what is the end?
It is her own groundhog day.
The movie follows the woman’s journey through different aspects of movement.
Shift of angles, moving space/stagnant-body or moving-body/stagnant space,
camera taking the role of both performer and public and film texture shifting from
grainy to HD and back.

Teresia is teaching at Balettakademien at the dancers prof education in choreograpic supervision and dance analysis.
Due to corona performances are put forward but the planning goes on both in Sweden and abroad.

Fall 2021

” The Rising Woman”  Photo Eytan Sivak

The filming of the shortmovie ”The Rising Woman” by Eytan Sivak continues during the fall.

Live performance!
Teresia is performing at Theater Ö2 in Stockholm the 17th of September within the project ”A Study of Choices A Choreograpic Manuscript ” by Linda Wardal

Teresia is working at Balettakademien in Stockholm where she’s teaches in choreograpic supervision and danceanalysis.

Spring 2021


Teresia has begun a collaboration with Per Jonsson Dance Center in Ljusdal, Hälsingland. Per Jonsson has always been a role model for Teresia and was a source of inspiration and encouragement early on in her work. As part of the collaboration, Teresia will be developing a new piece. A fantastic opportunity, she sees it as her tribute to Per. An exhibition -of photographs and method -documenting her body of stage work, including photographs by Mats Lindgren, Håkan Larsson Johanna Lindgren among others, will also be on show at PJDC from the opening 9th of May until 30th of May 2021.
For the new piece ” AMORF ” Martin Landquist is creating the music.
This is also made possible thanks to Viriditasfoundation.se 

Photo: Teresia Björk

Teresia is pleased to announce that Journalist and Television Presenter Ann-Marie Rauer, together with a film team from SVT (Swedish Television), will be filming in Ljusdal in the middle of April, documenting the process and Teresia’s work in general. This will be shown the 29th of May in the SVT program ” Sverige!
Read more: SvD

Photo Eytan Sivak

Following the premiere of Inre Rum/Inner Space at Dansens Hus Stockholm, touring was put on hold in February 2020 due to the outbreak of the corona virus. Instead, and thanks to the Viriditas Foundation, Teresia has been looking at ways of continuing to work with the piece via seminars and film.

Eytan Sivak is creating a short movie for and with Teresia called ” The Rising Woman ”. Its mainly filmed in different enviroments in Stockholm during March and April 2021.


Since February 2021, Teresia has been in an online collaboration with the Canadian choreographer Sébastien Cossette-Masse. Their work is research about and how ”imagination” is related and connected to artistical work but also how the impact of imagnination is very different from person to person.The collaboration is also about coaching one anothers future work.

Teresia continues her work at Balettakademien in Stockholm, both as a choreographic mentor in choreographic supervision and as a teacher of dance analysis.

Since October 2020, Teresia is a resident artist coach through the organization ShareMusic. During March this residency is ending through making a film about the project.

Danscentrum Sverige:

During May and June 2021, Teresia will hold her workshop “Finding Tools” for professional dancers at DCV Gothenburg and DCSyd Malmö.www.dcvast.se


Spring 2020

Photo: Magnus Skoglöf

Teresia Björk will start the new year by going to Lisbon the 5th 21th of January.
Teresia has the honour to once again immerse herself in parts of the danceart in Portugal.
She is invited to: residency at Teatro do Bairro- Clara Andermatt Danscompany, to give workshops at Danscompany Olga Roriz and to follow the work at CNB – National Ballet in Lisbon.The exchange in Lisbon is supported by the the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Inre Rum/ Interior Space: Premiere February 12th – at Dansens Hus in Stockholm!
Teresia has been exploring goodness for a long time and based on that subject created the performance together with: composer Matti Bye, writer Maria Kûchen, lighting artist Sofia Linde and scenographer Sara Selander.
Through residency at Dansens Hus, an immersion in the artistic process has become possible.
Peeled off, naked, honest, the audience is taken into music, choreography, space, time, light and darkness.
You can find more info here:

”En relation som lyssnar till flyktiga ögonblick”

Anna Ågström, svd.
Read more



-a collaboration with the muscians Klas Nevrin and Ricard Österstam.

Photo: Johanna Lindgren

Photo: Johanna Lindgren